Friday, August 22, 2008

One more thing...

This is kind of random...but I really wanted to share it. When we were on our last trip to China, we took an excursion with one of the Klipsch suppliers. They had a three-day weekend, so to give their employees a break and show their appreciation, they organized a trip to a beautiful city about 3 hours away. The city was called Zhao Qing City and it was very mountainous & we enjoyed it.
Anyway, the reason I am sharing this is because this was where the highlight of my entire trip to China occurred. One of the days we were doing some hiking & there were tons of beautiful waterfalls, and I got to zipline over a gorge/waterfall!! This was a pretty scary experience, but it all happened so quickly, I didn't really have time to wuss out!! :) It was one of the best experiences of my life and I wanted to post some of the pictures.
This is one of the guys who was one the trip with us. He went with me.

Can you see me in this one?

This was the breathtaking view I had while I was going across!!

All done!! :)


Andre LaRouche said...

I was definitly too much of a wuus to go on the zip line.

Anonymous said...

What a thill, I would do this in a heartbeat. I have gone skydiving and parasailing many times and there is just nothing like it. Aren't you glad you didn't wuss out and so glad your enjoyed it. You are going to have a lot of thrilling experiences, but this will be one of the most memorable ones I can assure you.