Friday, August 1, 2008


Hello loyal readers!! :) I am so sorry for the lag in my posting! Things have been CRAZY around here!! I still don't have an idea for what to do in China when this blog gets blocked, but I suppose I will figure that out when the time comes. I have heard that it still allows you to access certain websites you may just have to bear with me!! That's what you've been doing anyway right??
I have decided to abandon a detailed explanation of our trip, because it has been awhile since then anyway. Don't worry...I still have plenty of witty observations & stories for you!! :)
I wanted to update everyone on the most frequently asked question: When are you guys officially leaving??? We still have no "official" date! We know this is just as annoying and frustrating for you as it is for us!! At this time, our paperwork has been submitted, but we are waiting for approval on our medical paperwork. Once we get that, hopefully by the end of next week, we SHOULD be able to purchase our tickets and have a finialized date.
Part of the hold-up is that they originally wanted our medical exams to be done in Guangzhou, PRC...but Klipsch didn't really want to send us there just to get medical exams ($$$) so we had them done here and they are being translated. Hopefully they will accept these medical exams, because if not...we will have to have them done AGAIN in China!! Which will not be fun because trust me...there was a gauntlet of tests done on us...we were poked, prodded, and pricked for several days.
Another reason this is all taking so long is the Olympics. China is basically shutting things down for this worldwide event. Everything is 10x harder because they are cracking down so hard on visas & stuff.
As soon as we have a date set & tickets purchased you will be the first to know!! :)

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