Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jet Lag

We finally arrived in Dongguan City today after a little bit of confusion this morning. We were scheduled to take the ferry from the Kowloon ferry station this morning and then a car hired by Klipsch was going to pick us up from the FuYong ferry station on the mainland and bring us to our hotel. We arrived with plenty of time to the ferry terminal, but were shocked to discover that the ferries don't run on Sundays anymore. Apparently, Andre had an old schedule. After many calls to Emily, the girl from the Klipsch office who arranged this for us, we hightailed it back across town to the Hong Kong ferry terminal and found a ferry that was in service on Sunday. It took us to SheKou where the driver would be waiting. It was a minor wrench in the plans, but it all worked out. It was a little longer in the car, but it's not like we were in any hurry!
It seems that Andre and I are having the hardest time adjusting to the time here. I think it is just because we don't have any pressing plans. We fell asleep last night at 5pm (5am Indy time) and slept until about 5am this morning. Now twelve hours is pretty normal for me(ha)...but not for Andre!! We are trying to stay up later at night, so we aren't up at the crack of dawn...but we are just so tired. As I type this, Andre is dozing on the's 4pm here by the way. What a slacker!! :)
Andre is reporting to work in the morning, and I will be here at the hotel by myself. Hopefully I can find some things to keep myself occupied. We also hope to start looking at some apartments tomorrow or Tuesday. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that you are finally there!! Hope the apartment hunting goes well and you find something quickly. It will be so much fun setting up a household that is truly the two of you :) We all miss you here at the treehouse..and are looking forward to "seeing" you soon :)
Love mom