Thursday, October 23, 2008


Ok, if you don't have Skype and you want to talk to Andre or I, you must get it NOW. It has been a godsend for us so far, and not even half the people we know are on there.
What is Skype?
Skype is FREE software that allows you to make calls over the internet. If you are calling another Skype member computer-to-computer the service is TOTALLY free!!
How can I talk to you on Skype?
If you have a computer, you download Skype. At the very least, we can chat back and forth like any other instant message service. If you have a microphone, you can call us and we can actually chat voice-to-voice (it sounds just like you are on the telephone...only a slight lag). If you have a webcam, we can video chat!!
How can I get Skype?
All you have to do is go to Follow the instructions to download and install the program on your computer. Trust me, it is all free!! Once you have downloaded the program, search for us so we can chat!! My user name is kelly.larouche and Andre's username is andre.larouche.
Why should I download Skype?
You should do it because you love us and because it is the best way to keep in touch with us. Seriously, I cannot imagine what my life in China would be like if I did not have this service to keep me in contact with my family and friends. Because it is free, I can talk as much and as often as I want. I think I would use this service even if I weren't in China because it has been an awesome way to keep in contact with family you don't get to see often.
If you have ANY questions about Skype or how to download it, e-mail me.
See you all on Skype SOON!! :)


Anonymous said...

Trust me, this Skype thing has been a lifesaver :) Kirk and I are are normally skeptic, but with this Skype we have our family closer than ever and you know how computer challenged the two of us are!!

Love mom

Andre LaRouche said...

I would also comment that you can search for friends or family simply by their email address.
I even use it for work calls and conference calls because it is so simple.