Thursday, September 4, 2008

What?? No way!!!

WE HAVE A DATE!!! We can finally answered the most frequently asked question!! I am thrilled to finally announce that we are leaving on October 3, 2008.
As a result of this, Andre is not leaving tomorrow. He will wait it out here with me in the States and then we can go together. :)
We hope to see everyone at least one more time before we leave, but if we don't we will be home for Christmas. We debated whether or not to come home, but Klipsch offered us a trip home for the holidays and it was pretty much use it or lose it. We have booked this flight as well, since it is cheaper to buy round-trip. So we will be home for Christmas on December 13, 2008. Just in time to go to the Colts vs. Lions game in the new stadium with my Mom & Dad! :) We will fly back to China shortly after the New Year.
Yay!! So exciting!!

1 comment:

Andre LaRouche said...

I'm excited to be able to answer the question...