Friday, September 26, 2008

Ralphie's In China?

We are becoming accustomed to the phrase "nothing is as it seems." Everything changes on almost daily basis in our lives in regards to this move. The most recent change is that we have decided not to take our dog Ralphie.
Andre broached this subject one night while we were laying in bed talking. He casually dropped the bomb, "Do you think we are making the right decision taking Ralph???" I immediately responded "YES! OF COURSE!!!" He dropped it then, and fell right to sleep. I, on the other hand, lay awake for hours thinking about it. By the way, he always does this to me. You know, bringing up things of monumental proportions and then falls quickly to sleep. I ALWAYS lay awake thinking about his "topic of the night" and eventually fall into a troubled sleep. Not nice, huh?? Anyway, I thought about Ralphie a lot that night and the next night and began to see Andre's point (obviously). I began to picture him left in China for 3 weeks, while we come home for Christmas, being let out twice a day and spending the rest of the time in his cage crying. This pretty much broke my heart. Not to mention that we were ALREADY worried about him coping without the companionship of another dog. He came into a house with two dogs and he has never lived his life without another dog. I started thinking..."Are we doing what is best for Ralphie or what is best for Kelly and Andre?" We both thought it would be nice to have a little piece of home but I rarely thought about the reprecussions it would have on our little guy.
Needless to say, after much debate we have decided to leave him in the states. He will be moving in with Dave & Chrissy (Andre's Mom & Dad). I know he will be happy there, but that certainly doesn't make it any easier.

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